Had to put my dog down today 😭

Moneypenny • Leaving Glow was the best thing I did!
Of all days....today is my daughters 12th birthday 😔
I'm so completly heartbroken right now it's not even funny.  I'm so freaking sad!!! 💔
She's taking it so so hard.
I've been crying for 2 days.  She wasn't doing good.  
She was 15 years old.
She's been with us since our oldest was 1 year old.
She got SO upset the day I brought my youngest home....I was burping her and she freaked out! Thought I was hurting her while I burped her!
She layed on my tummy while I was pregnant....
She has been my best friend, my companion, our life long friend.
She's in heaven now .....I know she was met by one of her babies who had to be put down just after birth (intestines were outside) and by my grandmother (Grandma Pat) who loved her so very much.
I know she's not in pain any longer, I know she's being pet by our grandma right now 😔
I will never ever forget you, Precious.  YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND. 
I love you so so much .  
RIP Precious.
Forever in my heart and soul. May God wrap his arms around you and comfort you in eternity .
Rainbow Bridge.
Until we meet again my baby....I love you so so much.  Sleep with the angles honey.  I'll never forget you Precious. Thank you so much for giving us such great memories.  I hope I was a good enough mommy for you and gave you all the love you deserved. You will be severely missed, everyday. I'll never forget you.  Your my one and only best friend. My heart is so broken right now but I know you are in a better place. I just wish to God we had more time.  I miss you so much and have no idea how I'm going to cope with out you. My life will forever be altered. You were my best best friend. I hope your at peace now my love. Rest with the Angels. 