Life could be worse!


Hahaha so I am going to rant because I can.

I like this app I really do but I find myself reading people's posts and asking questions and bitching out other mothers or asking things that make me question there common sense.

But the one thing I can't stand is the bitching about what the baby is doing to them.....making me to fat and I want my old body back.....or I am so nauseous make it stop ..or can't wait for the first trimester to be over.

Well listen up ladies I have been pregnant several times. I had 1 healthy baby girl and never bitched or complained about the pregnancy. I just worked through it......then life went to shit and my bf cheated on me and took me court and I lost my kid due to the fact I could not support her in the means of the court and we'll he had everything due to his new gf.

She is now 9 and I never get to see her and miss her everyday.

I then went on with my life and got pregnant 3 more times.

Terrified I would be in that same situation I aborted all 3......I am now pregnant with number 5 and feel so happy and content.

I also have every pregnancy symtome under the sun.

Everything from sore breast to sever fatigue, can't wear metal anymore due to infections and my body rejecting it. Nausea that comes and goes and I control with ginger ale.

I have had A UTI for 2 weeks followed by a 2 week yeast infection and now followed by strep throat that will need treated for 2 weeks.

So going on over a month and a bit been sick. Can barely do anything without being bed ridden and have a buisness to run in the middle of all this.......This is also a miracle pregnancy because just because I am fertile my husband is NOT.

Before getting testicular cancer and getting his 1 nut removed he was told he had no viable sperm to save because they told him cemo and the removal of the nut would leave to a 0 chance of having children.

Well I am now 11 weeks pregnant and he has never knocked up any of his 16 other gfs .

I don't care about anything but a healthy baby.......cause things can go horribly wrong with any pregnancy and poof you just lost your baby that you have been bitching about.

Being pregnant I'd NOT about comfort it's about being woman enough to endure it. The good and the bad.

I am just saying ladies be thankful not resentful. Being a mother is awesome and hard as fuck......if no one has told you it will be the hardiest thing you have ever done in your life......but it also one of the most rewardable.

My advice to all first time mothers on here.

-Talk to your doctors and OB every step of the way and stop asking questions on here that should be directed to your doctor.

If your OVERLY moody and temperamental talk to your doctor because post partum is worse and it's best to diagnose any possible mental illness you may have before the babies born.

Don't diet unless recommend by you doctor. Getting pleasantly plump is apart of pregnancy and if you have a husband or bf that is pressuring you about your weight smack them upside the head or leave there ass cause who needs a insensitive asshole like that in your life.

If your in a abusive relationship LEAVE.

If you have to ask people opinions it tells me your scared and tell someone who can help you.

Delete any negativity in your life and avoid as much stress as possible.

Stress can make nausea about 100 times worse and could be the main cause to all your pregnancy discomfort.

And last but not least use this app for viable info but ALWAYS FOLLOW UP WITH YOU DOCTOR. It's great to get advice and chat with your fellow preggers on here but avoid the drama and the negativity. We all know hormones make are emotions at high alert.