Kicks and rolls. 💕

When did everyone start feeling their babies move?! With my first child I didn't feel her til 20+ weeks due to anterior placenta.. I'm now 15w2d and I haven't really felt anything at all.. Thinking I may have an anterior placenta again. 👎
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This is my 3rd and I started feeling her a little here and there at 10 weeks! My doc asked me at my last appt. (11 weeks) if I felt anything yet... I was surprised because I didn't know if it was normal to feel baby this early. But she said it totally is depending on your body and placenta location. I didn't feel my first till around 18 weeks and I think 15/16 with my 2nd.... I know w my 2nd my placenta was in the back so I felt every tiny movement the entire pregnancy from 16 weeks. He was big too so it would catch my breath! Such an amazing feeling. It just depends on you. There's not a right answer. 😊


Posted at
It's not common to feel baby this early or so my ob told me. I'm a third time mom and almost 16 weeks and haven't felt much. I'm not expecting to until I'm 20 weeks. 


Ashley • Feb 21, 2016
Every pregnancy and body is different, so it's possible. I've never felt any of my three babies ( this one included) move before 20 since they're still so small at this stage.


Sharni • Feb 21, 2016
I feel him/her roll some times but nothing definite. My ob said about 15 weeks that I should start feeling things. Hoping he/she decides to start kicking big soon as its my favourite part of pregnancy ❤️