fwb? who knows

so my ex dumped me in mid January and we decided to still stay best friends, even though I was so hurt and heartbroken and cried for like three full days afterward. we had been best friends before dating (this was also the second time we dated - the first time my heart wasn't in it so I broke it off) however today he tells me that he's still physically attracted to me (and I'm still so attracted to him 😍). now we're talking about doing an open relationship, or fwb, or nsa sex, etc. he's a year older and is graduating this June, and I'm pretty sure he's against ldr. we have a habit of going into a cycle of best friends, mutual crushing/dating, fighting, nostalgia while being friends, and going back to dating. I'm not sure what the best way to go is because I really don't want to get hurt again but I love him a lot and don't want to lose his friendship