Bird in fridge


This morning my son (6) caught a live jay and put it in the refrigerator to scare whom ever opened it, which was me. I was livid. Not only could he have easily killed the bird had I not come sooner, but now I get to sanitize the fridge which I don't have time for today. Yes, the bird did defecate in there.

So here's my actual confession, my mother abused my sibling and I, and it takes every fiber of my being to not be like her. You have no idea how much I wanted to backhand my own son after he started laughing at my being scared. I pray I never do that and I would like to think I'm a good mom. I even count the ways my mom would have handled the situations that happen daily as compared to how well I handled it. I also have to keep from treating my wife the same way, and I haven't always been so good at it...

It's my everyday struggle and it's pretty depressing to me that I'm as old as I am and still have to fight it. I really thought I'd be over it by now.