Be Careful Buying Off Amazon 😡😡😡

Olivia • 22 years old, single momma 👣 Dominic A. was born April 28, 2016 👶🏼
I bought a crib net that is supposed to go over the entire crib to protect my son from any bugs, and to keep my cat out of the crib. I paid about $20 before shipping, and I ordered it back in December through Amazon Prime. It finally came in today (after two delayed shipping dates) and I was so excited! I start to set it up and I found out, not only does it not fit over the crib like it should, but there is absolutely nothing to secure the netting. The edges are like a fitted sheet, but it can't be tucked into the mattress because there are two clips in the middle that need to be placed on the top bar. So of course I cannot use this as it is a hazard to my son, but when I asked for a refund, I was denied. The seller said I would only get a refund if I returned it first, and paid for shipping. Shipping is $30 for returns. I am furious, even though I researched the seller and used a safe website, it still wasn't enough! Please be very careful as to what you buy and where.