Anyone have there progesterone checked?

Amber • 30 years old. We have one daughter, born on 2/10/14. TTC #2 since December 2014. Finally pregnant with #2 due 12/4/17!
So I got my progesterone checked back in August which indicated that I was not ovulated (CD21 my level was 0.6).
Well I just had it checked again, on CD21 and it was 3.6! Which i guess is in normal range. My question is, has anyone had there's checked? I think my ovulation day was on CD20, so only a day later and it to be 3.6, is that good??? New to this ovulation thing lol
Here's my BBT chart:
(I'm hoping the dip this morning means implantation... And not AF coming. Period due 2/28)