My ttc story - for the insane and the hopeful

Mi • Mother of two babies in Heaven 👼 and an August 2019 toddler 😍❤️😍🙈
My husband and I decided to ttc about a year ago. Of course silly me thought it'd take about a month for me to get pregnant. You see, I had been on bc for a reaaaally long time and AF hadn't paid me a visit in years. My ob-gyn said it was normal because of the pill I was taking, "it happens in some cases", according to her. And according to everyone, after 3 months off the pill everything would be back to normal. Fast forward and there I am waiting for dear old AF to pay me a visit after such a long time of me blocking her calls. ...well, 6 months went by and I still got nothing. Instead I started getting all these weird pregnancy symptoms. Emotional, bloated, nauseous, gaining weight and... milk. Could I already be pregnant?? Was that the reason AF hadn't shown up?! So I go to my ob-gyn feeling very hopeful and daydreaming of baby showers and baby names. And there she said it: Apparently I had a tumor on my pituitary gland that produced prolactin and that evil little hormone-thingy tricked me into feeling very pregnant while at the same time preventing me completely of being able to actually get pregnant. I got drugs prescribed to try and decrease it and hopefully in about a year I could get pregnant. I took it for about two months and my body started reacting very poorly to a dosage-increase and my endocrinologist told me to stop taking it cold turkey. Two weeks later I feel awesome and I get my very period in many many years. It was so amazing! I felt like a female! I actually woke my DH at 2 am shrieking "it's here! It's here!!!" I cherished every awful cramp, every "I'm nearly fainting, dear god, I'm losing so much blood I think I'm gonna die" second of it. It was fantastic and I'm not even being ironic. So It's the following month. We BD'd quite a lot on what appeared to be my most fertile days (if my CM is to be relied on). It was the first time in many years that I had ewcm - which actually led me to googling "why does my discharge look like a egg white". 
Fast forward, it's now 23DPO (IF the ewcm was any indicator) and 43 days since my last period and I'm having again every pregnancy symptom in the book AND SOME. It's absolutely insane. No AF, just some dark brown spotting two weeks ago. But, alas... Negative urine test. I'm dreading the thought that once again the tumor is back and it's not only killing my chances and driving me crazy with the maddening illusion, the evil hope, the ridiculous notion that I might actually have a little bundle of joy growing in me. I know it's probably the tumor acting up, and still I stopped eating soft cheese, drinking  coffee and I keep caressing my stomach and protecting it as though I were pregnant. It happens completely automatically simply because prolactin whispers the whole time in my brains ear "yessh, my precioussss, there's life in your uterus..." Ahhhh, I'm going crazy!!!! I have an appointment with my ob-gyn tomorrow and even though I'm preparing myself for a bad diagnosis the whole time, I know I'm gonna be devastated when I hear I'm indeed not pregnant. 😭😭😭
Can anyone relate in any level?