How to tell him?

I have been with my SO for 7 years. I own the house we live in. We also have a two year old son and work at the same place.
 He cheated on me several times but I chose to stay for our child and financial reasons and because he was all I knew. I moved away from ALL my friends and family for him. He was emotionally abusive to me and said if I left I wouldn't become anything and I believed him.  Dumb, I know but unless you were in the situation I was, it's hard to understand. (So please no rude comments on how I should of left him when he first cheated) anyways, I still loved him after this. But fast forward 5-6 years, things have been "okay" but I still have that feeling he will cheat. I've grown to despise him. And I would feel ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE leaving him, and that's what I want to do. There's no affection, no "how was your day?", no hugs/kisses, he's lazy, doesn't appreciate anything I do and is just inconsiderate. How do I tell him to leave? That I don't want this anymore?  That I'm not in love with him?
*we are not married