Unhappy cheating married friend

My guy friend is married . i found out hes been cheating on his wife for a year now .I dont like his wife but i do feel bad for her. Ive never met her personally but ive seen her from a far. She seems like a stuck up bitch.Never says hi to us"his friends" And i can see why hes cheating. I have an idea who hes cheating with but i dont wanna make accusations. The girl is completely the opposite to his wife.young, outgoing and very attractive. He always leaves his wife with their three kids and goes to drink with us and party. And she thinks hes at work. We cant tell him anything who are we to send him home. Right? I dont know what to do it bothers me so much.. why hurt your kids and your wife along with your unhappy shitty selfish desicions. i know.its none of my business if his marriage is shitty or not. should i keep quiet?

To the girls that asked how do i know i dont like her...she was invited to all our parties and says no to every single one of them we do say hi but she just looks away and drives off. None of us have met her face to face. Just see her when she drops him off at our parties.