Drama over money...

So my husband and I been married for almost 4 monts...I am 37w6d pregnant. I was laid off work at 3 months and haven't worked ever since. He works long hours. I currently survive on what I get from unemployment which is not much...I use it to buy my cravings and clothes n few stuff for my baby and other stuff even for him. It is our first baby, and ever since I came up with the list of things we needed...stroller, car seat and crib he started freaking out because of the high price. I explained to him that even though they were about 350 for stroller and 350 for crib they were items that would grow with the baby. He seemed to understand l, but of course we live with his mother and his brother. They were telling him why not get a cheaper version of each. Of course this caused conflict between us because since he's the only one working I guess money shouldn't be "spent" on higher end items. We have been arguing a lot lately for money matters. I told him that if I had the money I wouldn't be asking him to buy it. We had our baby shower past Sunday and luckily we receive a lot of stuff! His mother invited a friend of hers. Somehow this lady found out we did not have a crib yet. We bought it Monday afternoon and it's built already...we just need the bed set. Yesterday, that lady went to the mother in law's job and told her she had seen a second hand crib for 60 dollars. He then told me why couldn't we go check out that crib since it's so cheap. Then I became upset and hurt. I told him why we had to do that if we already have the crib and it's built already. He said that it would be a good way to save money. I am kind of a germ freak and well we didn't know where it could've been and what not. He then told me I could always sanitize it with clorox wipes. Ok I would've totally done it if I knew he didn't have the means to pay for a new crib. But he makes good money at work and just a month ago he bought his mother a 65 inch tv for 1000 dollars. So then I told him, if u really want to get 1000 back return the tv, u don't need a name brand tv nor u need such a big tv. He then became furious because I brought it up. I mean if he can spend 1000 on a TV why not 350 on a convertible crib for his first son? This argument went on and on...so I decided to go out for a walk. At this point I can hardly walk and after being long for almost an hours he never bother to call me to see if I was ok. I told him that this marriage was 2 people and if we had already decided to buy a new crib, then why did we have to listen to other people's opinion. He also told me that his mom did just fine with cheap stuff and there was no need to buy expensive stuff like my mom did for me. I mean how am I at fault for being blessed that my mother was able to provide for me the best that she could, but his mother was not? Idk what to do...I am crying as I type this I'm really hurt I told him I couldn't believe he would treat me like this and how he screams at "us" at this point in pregnancy when I am ready to give birth anytime. Idk what to do...any thoughts would help...thank u in advance.