Help? Questions are at the bottom.

Well. I'm 37 weeks pregnant, and 3 months ago my baby daddy dumped me for his ex. We had this relationship type of thing between those 3 months. Still doing sexual stuff together. And yeah. But he got kicked out. My depression hits me pretty hard when I'm alone. My doctor won't give me pills for it. I started cutting again. And just a lot. I cry everyday. My grandpa just died the 21st, my mom threatened me and just so much drama and stuff. Now my bd isnt around and he was there to help, talk to me and stuff. He moved in with his girlfriend. And ever since he's been an ass to me calling me names saying i need to get over him and that's he's in love with her not me. (He doesn't even wanna be apart of Aidens life. He used to be soo excited. Like. I don't understand. He cried over us the night before he dumped me. He lit up when we had our first ultrasound and found out the gender. He used to be so in love with us. now he just says i treated him like shit and that im gonna ruin my life by raising him.) oh. and he got me pregnant a week after we started dating. immature i know. im obviously young. 16 years old. i just idk. would i go back to who i was before? i used to.. not care? idk. hard to explain. the first month of
mine and my bds relationship i didnt really like him.. i guess I was just trying to see where it would go.. So the question(s) 
•would my feelings go away after the babys here? 
•is he just scared or just being a deadbeat?
•how do you get through depression during pregnancy?
Sorry for it being long..