How would you handle this situation ?

I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years on 8th of this month and he had come and gotten all of his stuff from our home by the 11th . He asked if we could work on our relationship and maybe go to counseling but I knew he ridding really see an issue with his behavior and couldn't us west and my feelings so I felt like me commuting to that without and different actions from him just wasent comfortable for me so then it turned ugly he said he was done and has refused to speak to me . Last week he was saying really mean hurtful things to me because I still had a pair of jeans of his at the house and I offered a million times to meet up with him or he can come by and get them but I didn't feel I should have to drive 30 minutes and pay to cross a bridge to bring him his stuff and he just kept saying hurtful things well then his mom involved herself and was asking if we could see each other but I know t wasent out of caring or coming from s good place she just wanted his stuff so I finally broke down and decided to be an adult and take them I left them on his moms porch . Well now he's stopped contacting me completely but she writes me everyday on fb and text and she asked me last night if she could come by my house and I said no that I was so sick of her doing her sons bidding and after three years of being in a relationship with me he should have enough respect to ask me himself for his stuff and come and get them and that I'm not going to keep being bullied by them I want to move on with my life . Is that fucked up ? How should I handle this situation ?