Quality Time

My boyfriend and I have a wonderful relationship. He's my best friend, my other half, my love.

We have a small age gap, I'm 23, he's 31. And as much as we like to forget this fact, it has become slightly more apparent recently as I've come to notice our priorities.

My love language is split between quality time and physical touch. Now when we're together, physical touch is always fulfilled. But that's when we're together. Quality time, although we've talked about it several times is very difficult to come by lately. He's got two jobs now and he's a professional wrestler so his schedule is busy, which is great! When he mentions his second job, he always says he's making money "for us".

But his versions of quality time are different than mine. To him, I'm the first girlfriend he's had that he will bring around family. And that's almost constantly. Whenever I'm with him, we're going to visit his parents or his siblings. Or it's a family party or event we're going to. Which is great!

But my version of quality time is as simple as sitting on the couch, cuddling, and watching TV together. Because that's how I get in physical touch as well. I have a difficult time appreciating " us" when we're almost never alone. Mostly because I'm not a fan of PDA. I'm most certainly not going to cuddle with him at his mom's house.

I've brought it up several times and he apologizes and explains how me being a part of his family is important. Which makes me heart soar! But I can't get past the fact that our alone time is dwindling. Last week, we spent 20 minutes together when he stopped by my house and surprised me with roses.

I feel like such a brat because, he brought me roses!!! I'm probably being ungrateful... But my issue today is getting past this. Any advice?