Should we stop having sex?

Kristina • Getting married on 6/20/16

My fiancé and I are wanting to wait to start trying for kids until after we've been married for a while. We used to have sex quite a bit but then we stopped because everytime we would have sex I would get paranoid that I was pregnant and freak out and then I'd worry him and it was just a mess. But he said when I have a scare he wants me to tell him because if it turns out I am pregnant he doesnt want it to be a nasty surprise. Well a couple days ago we gave in and had sex. But he showed me how durable condoms are then he put a different one on and we went at it. I told him I think it would be okay if we had sex but if we use a condom every time and he would pull out even with the condom on most of the time.

But I'm just worried this isnt gonna work and we'll be right back at square one.

Its a stupid question to ask random people but I dont want to upset him by bringing this up if I dont need to. So, should we stop having sex?

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