Clomid buddy with PCOS

Melodie • Baby #1 is 18 months... TTC#1= PREG at my second round of clomid. Now PREG with baby #2. First month we tried, no medication. Due date= nov.2018 ❤️ PCOS+MTHFR+FVLeiden homozygous. 11 years with my husband. 28M-28F

I was diagnosed with PCOS two months ago. Mostly because I didnt have a period in an entire year after stopping depo provera shot and because I have cysts on my ovaries. All tests showed that I dont have any other problem; no insuline tolerance, no prolactinine nor elevated level of testosterone. I'm not overweight, no hisustism, no acne and have a very healthy lifestyle.

My first question is: should I be taking metformin with my clomid? I read about so much women who are taking it,it makes me wondering ... ?

2- Is there another clomid cyster - clomid buddy that has the same pcos pattern and would like to share about it?

Thanks! :D