SO rant

Hate my so right now. Why can't he be even a little bit understanding! 
He has called me fat because I need to eat every 1.5 hours or I throw up. (Doesn't take into consideration the fact that I eat a fraction of a meal because I eat more often, I am fuller quicker) 
He won't give me space when I tell him I am feeling very hormonal and need a minute to collect myself. Constantly bugs me and then calls me a bitch when I finally lose it on him. 
He calls me lazy when I am sitting trying not to get sick. 
He rolls his eyes if I tell him I'm crampy, or that my boobs are very sensitive so he can't squeeze me. 
He's just inconvenienced because I'm not giving him as much sex as he wants! 
He's normally a good person.. He just lacks any kind of empathy or compassion . 
Rant over