Boyfriends mom

Ok ladies I need some advice, my boyfriends mom is really starting to irritate me , me & my boyfriend met in college so when I found out I was pregnant I decided to come back home, unfortunately me & my bf are from different cities , ( 10 hours away ) I planned on having my baby in my hometown & staying here for at least 2 or 3 months after she's born & moving back to the city where my bf is at , his mom decided she wanted to have a baby shower for their side of the family so I'll be flying out to them for the shower , here's the thing my bf moved out of her house when he went away to college so his mom is planning on turning his room into a nursery, ( she lives 11 hrs away from me & 7 hours away from my bf) I overheard her tell him that some of the stuff we get at the baby shower will stay at her house & some will be shipped to me. Is she overstepping her boundaries or am I just being a bitch?