Disowned sister in law part two

I posted about my sister in law being disowned and kicked out due to getting pregnant by her black boyfriend a few weeks ago.

Well, now I must rant.

The day before yesterday I was driving to the store and I saw my sister in law walking towards our house. I pulled over and she told me her dad called and told her her mother wanted to talk to her. We talked for a bit and I told her I hoped she was still at the house when I got back, told her I wanted to meet the baby and get the girls together, and wished her luck with mommy.

Well the talk apparently went well because the next day I came home from church with my daughter and there she was with hers! I was so happy to meet her gorgeous daughter who was so sweet and such a good baby. But then my mother-in-law came home and took one look at her baby and then picked mine up and loved on her. She then as the day went on criticized my sister in law, told her her baby was too fat and comparing my daughter who is tiny to hers, told her she was ill prepared as a mother (when really she just made the same mistakes every new mother makes - forgetting a change of clothes, cleaning the bottle wrong, that kind of stuff) but the main thing that pissed me off was her saying the baby was a mistake multiple times and "babies making babies". My sister in law is 22!

I finally said, "Ma, my brother was 19, his wife was barely 16 when they had their first kid who is now in college with a 4.0. There are much younger parents. And a baby is never a mistake. She was a surprise, a good one. She's healthy and beautiful." She ignored me and continued.

At one point my sister in law just zoned out, she looked so sad. I leaned in and whispered that mommy says the same shit to me about not knowing anything and she's wrong most of the time.

In fact at one point I was holding her baby and I could tell she needed a change so I passed her over to my sister in law and she put her in my daughter's bassinet to get her diaper bag my mother in law went over and checked the diaper. "She just started, if you change her now she'll just finish in the other diaper and you'll waste a diaper. They're expensive and you can't afford them. Wait." Well she also needed a bottle. I said to my mil that I always change my baby before her diaper as it makes her happier. My sil agreed saying she does the same. My mil told us to wait. And so my sil gave in. Well, guess what? Half way into the bottle the baby has a blow out. I had to give her a change of clothes as she forgot. I just thought well had mommy let us change her....

She's so aggravating. I thought it would be a good thing for her to have a black granddaughter but she is just as bad as ever. I remember now she still uses the n word and says shit around her great niece who is half black as well. It's total bs.

Sorry that was long, I'm just so annoyed!