My BIG baby 💙

Kristen • First time mommy to be. Expecting our baby boy January 2016 ❤️
This is my 8 week old son, the outfit he has on is a 6 month old outfit 😳 he was born 8lbs 12oz and is now pushing 12lbs and the amount he eats baffles people. When people ask me about him they all assume he's 3 months and are shocked that he's so young. Even the dr says he's bigger than most. The funny thing is he isn't "fat" no roles on this kid. He never fit into new born clothing we immediately had to box it all up and he wore 3 month old clothing wen he was still only days old, he was also born into size 1 diapers I had to sell all the newborns I stocked up on. He holds up his head looks around, looks at you when you talk to him, watches baby tv and is smiling on purpose now. 
My point is everyone's child is different. No two babies are the same. Trust your motherly instincts and do what you feel is best for your baby. I've had a lot of people tell me he eats way to much, he's a big boy and growing fast, I don't water bord my child, he doesn't throw up/spit up and he doesn't have an extended belly. He lets me know when he's hungry and when he's full. 
Do what's best for you and your little one ladies ❤️