
Joanne • 25, mommy to two little boys born on July 11th, 16 and May 2nd, 18 💙💙 Happily married July 27th, 13 💕
My in laws are driving me crazy! I'm 22 weeks 3 days and they keep saying I'm huge and look like I'm a month ahead and that I'll for surely be having my baby a month before my due date. I told them they're crazy and that I'm not even that big. All my sisters tell me I'm small and so do my friends compared to their pregnancies but compared to my inlaws I'm huge. Yet they're all like 4'9 and weighed like 80lbs before pregnancy. I'm 5'3 and weighed 115 before and they expect me to be as small as them. Now they want to change my babyshower date just cause they think I'll be giving birth a month before! I'm having my baby shower at their house since it's the only place that will fit all our family and friends and I don't know where else to have it where I wouldn't have to pay so much just to rent it for a day. It's so irritating! Oh and the other day my husband and I were talking and I was just saying how I'm scared to give birth since this is my first and anything can go wrong and I'm scared that'll I'll have to get a c-section like my oldest sis did. Well then his mom decides to say no you can't have a c-section, you know how ugly the scars are and you will have to wait 4 years to have another kid and you'll only be able to have three and that's only if you heal well. I got so annoyed and was like "okay you act like if I said I'm going to go ahead and just schedule a c-section! Anything is possible and I'm hoping I don't have to get one but it's a possible chance if something goes wrong during labor." I even told her how I was a c-section baby and my mom had my little sis two years later vaginally. My older sis had to get one cause she wasn't dilating past 4cm and my nephews heart rate was dropping fast. She still went on to say that I can't get one. Ugh okay rant over! Sorry if I didn't post this in the right room.