Housework/cooking not getting done

Anyone else feel like they're living in filth? My husband and I both work 40 hrs/week. His commute is over an hour and I work 10 hour shifts. At the end of the day we're both too tired to cook anything and end up going out or eating unhealthy. I spend most of my days off catching up on housework and pretty much just get the basics done. My husband doesn't have any energy for cooking or cleaning during the week and will only do it on weekends, unless there's some other project he needs to do (yard work, home maintenance, etc), in which case nothing in the house gets done. During the week I feel like I'm struggling just to tidy up after him because he won't put things away after using them and seems to put his dishes next to the dishwasher instead of putting them it it. Being pregnant is not helping. We must look like a couple of filthy junkies. :( We both agree that we need to fix it, but nothing ever comes of it and my anxiety over it is out of control at this point. How are we going to take care of a baby as well?