Husband-wife relationship more important than mother-child relationship?

D • Mama of 2,lost an angel, waiting on number 4💘💓💘 married-blessed💓
I've read a comment here once saying 'the reationship between a husband and a wife is more important then the relationship between mother and child' 
I was pretty shocked when I read this because I thought it'd be completely normal that a mothers priority is ALWAYS the child.
So what do you think is more important?
I personally love my husband to death, we'ce been through hell and back and he's my everything but my children are always my first priority. If I had to choose between my husband and my children I'd choose them because thats just my child you know- I dont know how to explain that. 
I hope I wont ever ever ever have to choose between my babies and my beloved husband but if I had to I'd chose them and I hope he would too. I just dont get it why someone would say the relationship with my husband is more important than with my child.
What do you think and why?