A faint test could end like this..

Pip • Pregnant with a little boy • c-section is booked for 4th July 2016 at 8am ✨
This is my first pregnancy test.. 
Everyone one on this app told me it was negative but I was certain I could see something.. Then I took this one 4 weeks later and got told its 50/50 as it could be evaporation. 
My point to this post is a mom has an instinct and like here I knew I was pregnant and prayed I was. I had months of aunt flow showing and it was bad news after bad news but here I just knew! 
Now look that test at 4 week which practically shows a negative was incorrect and I'm now 21 weeks pregnant with a healthy little boy.. 
DONT LOOSE HOPE LADIES!! What people say on here doesn't mean they know the correct answer. My test received 62 negative results and 2 people pressed the positive when I asked on faint tests. Those 62 hadn't been so wrong! 
Baby dust to you all honestly ❤️