
- you're 27 weeks pregnant stop wishing your baby would come already. It's so dangerous. Why would you want to wish your baby to be pre term and underdeveloped?
- you're 30 weeks yes we know you don't want to be pregnant anymore and it sucks. Remember the majority of people go over their due date including most of the people reading your post, rolling their eyes because they're sitting at 42 weeks.
- if you wake up in the middle of the night bleeding everywhere get the hell off Glow and phone your doctor. None of us are medical professionals! Yes we can tell you if it we had this pain or that pain but if blood is going down your legs use your common sense and talk to your doctor. They have people on call for that reason.
- Shut up about being so butt hurt that your doctor won't induce you at 35-37 weeks when you have no medical reason for it. Again, your baby isn't even done cooking yet and you didn't go to medical school! It suck, it's tiring, it's long... But there's a reason they don't want to induce you early and risk and emergency c section!
End rant.