Getting a Breastpump Rant -- Thrilled then Bummed!


Well, this has been fun ;P

Originally was told by Pumping Essentials I was going to get an amazing breastpump totally covered (Thanks Obama, lol) and then later that day being told no, all my insurance covers is a manual single pump thing (um, no thanks). Dissapointing to say the least.

Then Aeroflow got back to me yesterday saying I was eligible to get my dream pump --Spectra S2-- and now it's already on the way and should get here by Saturday! So now I'm all pumped again (pardon the pun), thinking that I can start playing with it and maybe even see if I can induce breast milk before baby gets here, just to alleviate any worries of not being able to produce enough at his arrival...

THEN I read that trying to pump before baby is a big no-no, because it can induce labor, and now I'm frustrated again, lol. Here I am getting this awesome expensive toy, for free, and I can't even try it out for another 7 weeks or so! Lol I don't have that kind of patience!

So incredibly thankful for this pump... not as thankful for yet another lesson in patience ;)