Weird or uncomfortable questions about pregnancy?

I'm sure this has been brought up before, but is anyone else amazed by the questions some family/friends/strangers deem appropriate once they learn you're pregnant? 
I am only 5 weeks pregnant with our second child and have just decided to start telling close family members today (only parents and siblings), and so far I have been asked:
1. Was it planned?
2. Were you using protection? What kind?
3. Why didn't you tell us right away?
4. Do you know what day you actually conceived?
5. Can you really afford another?
I also had to explain the reproductive system, periods, and ovulation to my father. My biological father. Who was there when I was born. How is this on me to explain?? 
So friends, what are some of the questions that made you cringe? Or are you one of those magical people who are unphased by that kind of thing?