I'm torn 😕

Laura • I threw my pie for you
Hope you guys don't mind me posting this here- just need some friendly advice and it helps to 'talk' it over.
So recently works been a pain with my bosses and their little power trip 🙄 I've been feeling so stressed out and down and now because of various changes I kinda feel like a spare part. 
A job has come up elsewhere with a higher wage (not loads but more than I'm on now). It's a completely different area that I've not worked in before and probably aren't overly confident in but I was going to go for it.
This week it's been getting better at work each day and the bosses said they'd love to make a new official 'thing' where I have new workers and students shadowing me and learning the job and I would come up with ways of them learning the job easier etc. I absolutely love doing this and am very good at it, the bosses know this and said they all think I'm a good role model etc. 
Now I'm torn, I'm not sure whether to go way out of my comfort zone for a little more money in a new job and an area I'm not 100% sure I will like or whether to stay where I am, same wage but more responsibility and to improve my skills and things better for the future 😕 we are also ttc. 
I must admit since this teaching the students and new worker thing came up I am slightly swaying towards staying but I'm not 100% 
What would you guys do?Â