My labor and delivery

I was due February 15. I was in labor for a whole week. Then on February 5 I had a doctor appointment she told me I looked great and I can go home. At 3:45 my mom made me dance with her to the song 500 miles with no break. She left to town after that. At about 5:00 I was stuck at home getting ready to eat my animal crackers. When all I hear and feel is a pop. And water starters going everywhere I jumped off my bed as soon as I could to not get it wet while screaming oh F**k over and over again. Until my husband runs in the room asking me what's wrong. I tell him to grab the dipper bag and head to the car my water just broke. His face turns to a pale white. I call my doctor to tell her I'm heading to the hospital. As I was heading mom pulled up I told her my water broke she said don't lie to me like that I said I'm not and took off to the car with her screaming I'm coming. I got to the hospital at 6:20 bc I made my husband get me eyeliner bc he took my bag of the dipper bag so I didn't even have a brush. At 7:10 the nurse said I'm 6cm. They took me to my room at 7:00. They checked my I was 7cm at this point I'm in terrible pain. It felt like someone was literally ripping my legs off my torso and they were stabbing the bottom of my stomach. At 9:00 they gave me a epidural. At 9:20 they checked me I was 8cm. They said I'll feel better now and told me they would be back to check me again at 10:00. I did make it to then I got a nurse to in it felt like the epidural was wearing off. She checked me and said it wasn't wearing off she was coming. They told me every time I felt the pain push. Well I I did until they said thet she's getting ready to come I waited to push every couple of pushes bc mom wasn't there bc she thought she had time to go smoke. Finally right when the babies head was showing mom came in beside me. Faith Gabrielle Bostic was born February 5 at 10:25.