My fertility reading experiences...

Alissa • 30yo - been with fiancé for 9 years 💍 TTC baby #1 since Sept 2014 ❤️ 1st cycle IVF w. ICSI: in process!
I have gotten readings from Cheri22, Eternity Readings and Suzy Rayne but my absolute favorite is Sunfairy Chrissy. She is incredibly nice and so personable. I've gotten a few readings from here...
My first was this past December 2015 
Hearing that she saw a baby in our future after TTC for over a year brought such comfort. I then started feeling some implantation symptoms in February so I contacted her again...
I did not conceive in February but I still have hope that May could be my month! 
I then felt I needed something more and got another reading asking for some signs... 
That made me cry... It was something so amazing and I really needed it 🌻🕊
She just such an amazing woman and I truly feel she has an incredible gift and my beautiful baby boy will come to us in May after 21 months TTC.