Anyone with just 1 Fallopian tube? Need advice

Does anyone have just only one of their fallopian tubes? I had one of mine removed 16 years ago because of a cyst. Now that I'm trying to conceive I have been off birth control. The first month after my birth control AF wasn't showing up. So I had blood work done and I wasn't pregnant. So the dr put me on a medication to restart my cycle. My hormones were messed up from being on the birth control for so long. That was suppose to fix the problem and it did. I had two months of a normal period. I could even tell when I ovulated because I got cramps on the side that I do have my tube. Well this last month I didn't get the I don't know if I would have ovulated on the side without the tube if I had it. I am 11 days late and all the home tests are negative. I don't know if my body doesn't recognize because I haven't ovulated that It should go into the next phase of my cycle. Work has been crazy and I haven't had time to call my dr until after they close. I was wondering if anyone has been through a similar situation?? And what you did about it. I hate to keep going on the medication every time it happens. Plus it's heartbreaking seeing a negative on all those tests and waiting this long! I am starting to think ill never get my bfp 😥