Waiting for the magical second trimester lol

Jennifer • Mommy of 2 beautiful girls💜💜
Hungry but soon as I think about what to eat I start gagging.. I can't even go to the store with out gagging the whole time...nightmares every night all night and making me stressed out more then I already have been....remodeling our house,mother in law moved everything in my kitchen can't  find a thing, fell down the stairs cause my father in law needs six cords running to every room in the house...dogs miss behaving and peeing on stuff once again and my job is being a pain with my lifting restrictions....all I want to do is cry and spend some time with my husband before he leaves for work for two weeks but he's busy getting things ready....only way for us to get time together lately has been disappear for two days out of town...don't really have anyone to talk to,moms busy ,sisters mad cause I won't watch her kids for free, the one friend I have is upset that I'm pregnant and doesn't understand why she is...☹☹😫