Baby stuff

Anybody got so much stuff at their baby shower(s) that they didn't have to go out & get their baby anything? I haven't went shopping yet for my baby I'm waiting until after the showers to see what all I get , im having 2 one for my family and the other for my bfs family we both have a huge family so I'm pretty sure we'll get a lot of stuff. 
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I would still buy it cute stuff I think is nice ahha


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We were lucky, our family bought most of the items such as stroller, dresser, bouncer etc. But they actually just right out asked what we wanted. We received a lot of other items from our registery and now need to just buy some littlr stuff.


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It depends you know your family. Most baby showers are a bunch of diapers, wipes and clothes. So unless you know these people would give you something more I'd still buy things. I barely bought any clothes because I already know that's what most people will give me.


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All i needed to buy after my 2 babyshowers were socks and sleepers


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My husband and I both have really big families. We registered for everything, but really didn't expect to get the bigger stuff we needed. We were really lucky though and between our family's we got everything we needed. I've only purchased a box of Wipes because someone bought me refill packs without the actual box to hold them in. 


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We bought all big stuff like stroller, car seat, bassinet and nursery furniture...I'm having three baby showers so I'm going to wait and see what I get from them but we also been stocking up on diapers and wipes


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So far I've had 2 of 3 showers (neither my husband or I live near our families, and our local friends held one as well). My first shower was out of the country so everyone pitched in so I could get the uppa baby vista (yay!). But aside from that most of what I've received is clothing. I've noticed that people generally want to buy the cute stuff-little outfits that baby may wear once, or won't be able to wear at all because by the time they can fit it the clothes won't be in season (for example, I received a darling velvet tuxedo that won't fit my baby until he's 12months, which will be next summer when it'll be too hot for velvet). Very few people have bought off the registry--guess the baby bath tub is just not as appealing as cute clothing or a crib mattress! 


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I didn't get much of the big stuff, so I had to buy that stuff after the shower, but I did get some gift cards so that helped.


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We got all the big stuff and more from 2 showers. I bought some little stuff, but haven't had to buy much at all. Plus, I have hundreds of dollars in babies-r-us gift cards.