Pcos sucks!! weight gain vent/rant

I have been a pretty healthy weight my whole life, but 5 months ago when I went off the pill (to ttc) I started gaining weight rapidly and shortly after due to that and many other symptoms I was diagnosed with pcos and I keep trying to eat better or eat less and it's just really hard because I love food lol and I don't like many fruits or vegetables and I've gained 25 pounds in the last 5 months. Today I  decided to try my wedding dress on and I couldn't get it past my hips and that was heartbreaking. My boyfriend and I are almost done paying off my engagement ring so I got really excited and thought I'd try on the dress that we and now I'm just depressed. It's hard enough ttc for 5 months and failing and now I feel like I failed at this too. PCOS Sucks.