
Hi I'm feeling so anxious and afraid, I've had 2 chemical pregnancy's since October last year so took Jan/Feb off.
 I OV on the 10th of March, and I knew it too!! 
Had a pain all Sunday evening through to the Monday so bd'ed like crazy ever since 💗xx 
I took tests the day before my period with my oct/Dec chemicals, and got bfp's both times only to start the next day or a few days later.
My AF is due on Tuesday and although I vowed I wouldn't test I have 😁 and its BFP 😇!  I'm now so scarred as I told my Bf I wouldn't test until sat and at least 5 days over as we have never gottern that far yet. 
I bought x2 fr pink dye tests and did the first on was there, pale pink and sitting next to the control line all like "there you go, told you so"!! 
Of course I knew I boobs are massive, the veins are darker....nipples on fire, areola darker! 
I have been dizzy, hot flashes/funny turns, nauseous if I don't eat, etc etc....
I took the second fr test this morning FMU and it's darker...more so, and a shade if that less than the dark pink control line 💗xx 
So.....I wait, in hope and desperation that it doesn't happen to us again, that we get our rainbow 🌈 and we can relax xx
I'm feeling abdominally different this time though...a lot of tugging/pressure/sharp pains that kinda stop you in your tracks to breathe then disappear...all new, along with bloating/round tummy affect, gassy, and generally I feel different. 
I'm petrified....if anyone is reading and can help I'd appreciate it xx 
Helen xxx