Birth story with baby number 1❤

At 39 weeks and 3 days I slept till about 3 that afternoon. Once my husband got home from work we went to Walmart to get some redbox movies and some pineapple and went to chipotle for some dinner. Once we got home and showered we out in our first movie and I started feeling contractions. After eating a whole pineapple and watching a second movie went to the bathroom to so my business when I wiped my bloody show came out and in that moment I knew that it was time so I called my on call doctor being it was like 1030 at night and they told me that I could go in but if I wasn't 4cm I would be sent home so I went in there put me in a room checked me I was 5cm. So they kepted me and got me and the baby monitored at about 230-3 the pain was horrible so I asked for an epidural at about 3am the doctor came in to give me the epidural before he did they checked me I was 9cm just about 10cm they said I could still get it but it might not work in time so I went without getting it. After pushing for 27 mins I pushed my son out. And they took him to get cleaned up and weighted and stuff while they stitched me up. I didn't heard him cry for about 10 mins so I got worried the second I said something he starts screaming. Born January 18th 2015 at 3:27am 6lbs 7oz and 19.5 inches