Perks of having a c-section?

So a little bit of backstory, sorry I'll try to keep this short. my last pregnancy delivery did not go well at all. I was induced and I pushed for 4 hours and have my LO crown but get stuck there. I was rushed to an emergency C-section and was being prepped when the hospitals obstetrician came rushing in and everybody started arguing, suddenly he came to me and asked my permission to attempt a forcep delivery promising he was very skilled and believed he could get her out. I agreed and he was successful thank God BUT I not only ended up with a 4th degree laceration but also hemmoraged due to low lying placenta (unbeknownst to me). 
ANYWAYS, so on to this pregnancy... so my dr didn't want to repeat an ultrasound, I had one done at 12 weeks and he says my placenta was in a good place and that it's rare for it to move. That didn't sit well with me (rare doesn't mean it doesn't happen 😒) so I went and got an elective ultrasound done. My technician said that the placenta IS low and she can't tell if it's covering my cervix or not because his head is too low (I'm 33 weeks) she told me to have my dr give an internal ultrasound to check it and I'm terrified that it's going to be incompatible with a vaginal delivery. I DO NOT want a c-section. I feel like crying just thinking about it. SO, do you ladies know any perks to a c-section that you can think of? I won't be seeing my dr till 36 weeks and I'm so anxious and depressed. A c-section sounds like the worst possiable thing to me and I'd like to change my mindset. 😔