Longer period on iud?

I've had my iud for a year now, and had heard alot about my friends who also have it that their periods have stopped completely or have lessened, so that's what I was expecting, but since having it my periods have increased in length? Right now I have it for 10 days or more, never heavy, just seems like I'm always on my period.... I've also found it's worsened my pms symptoms, the week before is pretty much worse than the week of :(. Other than that I love this form of birth control so I don't know if I'd have it removed because of this, I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. 
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Posted at
Which IUD do you have vs your friend? From just the info you have it sounds like they may have a hormonal IUD, while you may have gotten copper IUD. Hormonal IUDs are great at lightening/stopping periods while a downside to copper is the longer/heavier period. But within the first 3-12 months with any IUD, it's kind of anything goes and is normal with your period/spotting/cramping while your body is adjusting to its new friend. 


Jillian • Apr 4, 2016
I have jaydess and my friends have the mirena


Posted at
I'm so glad to see this thread!  My Mirena is less than a month in me, and my period is really light with no cramps, but just doesn't seem to end. I figured it's just my body adjusting to the hormones of birth control for the first time. I'm not particularly worried (annoyed, maybe!) and it's nice to hear I'm not the only one!


Posted at
I just had Jaydess inserted in January and my periods have lasted 10+ days ever since. Always pretty light but with some cramping. 


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I been on my period for almost 3 months and I'm not even sure if it's normal...


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I second what Emily has said.Extra long and heavy bleeding is a common side effect of the non-hormonal IUD called Paraguard, which is made of copper.The hormonal IUDs, Mirena, Skyla and Liletta (I think there is another called Jaydess), are known for lightening or even stopping periods altogether.


Posted at
SAME. I just started with my iud and my period usually lasts for 4-6 days. But this time it lasted for almost 2 weeks :( 


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I've had mine 5 months, periods last 10 days instead of usual 5 or 6 :( .... But I'm gonna try stick it out for longer - I like that it's just a plug in and play (no thinking required) 


Posted at
I've only had mine for three months but I'm experiencing the same thing ☹️


Stephanie • Mar 25, 2016
Four months in and I feel like I either bleed or spot all the time


Megan • Mar 21, 2016
If mine don't improve after the six month mark I'm going to get it removed. It's such a hassle!


Jillian • Mar 21, 2016
I know i thought maybe it would improve and they would lessen but now that its been a year I'm just losing hope :(


Posted at
I have the same issue. My period was always pretty light so I assumed that it would go away, but no luck. The light period is just stretched out 7 days instead of the 2-3 days my period used to be.


Posted at
I for sure have the same problem you have.... It's more of a annoyance more then anything!