
Breanna • Marine Wife 💍 8/6/14, 2year old boy👦🏾8/17/14, angel baby👼🏾3/7/16, angel baby👼🏾9/1/16. RAINBOW BABY 8/14/17👶🏾
I'm very depressed and I want to keep trying but I'm not the same person I was when my husband and I were dating. We conceived our first baby and didn't even know it and now that we're trying to conceive and nothing is happening. I'm getting really depressed about it and I don't feel pretty or sex and I just don't know what to do. Because all I want to do is cry all the time. Because we want another child and I see babies everywhere. Which is making me even more sad. Because my son is growing up to fast to where he doesn't need mommy to do a lot for him and I don't know what to do. I've been tracking my cycle, used Preseed even pregprep.