Concerned about headaches & other symptoms!

So I'm 18 weeks pregnant so have been putting my headaches down to that however today is the first day it dawned on me it could be something more serious and so of course I am freaking out. 
My headaches are ALWAYS on the left side, feels like the root is in the left side font neck and the headache itself is in my left temple and my left eye. Iv always been prone to tension headaches and this is similar but different and worse. Sometimes the pain is almost migraine level, other times it feels like a brain freeze, sometimes it's mild and other times there's no headache but I can feel like a discomfort in my left temple/head area. I also have eye twitching quite regularity in my left eye. This has been going on 3-4 weeks now and usually I will wake up with it and it will either get better as the day goes or tolerable, sometimes il wake up with just the discomfort and it will get worse or just stay like that. I think there has been only a handful of days where I haven't felt anything at all! Iv emailed my dr pretty much exactly what I just explained so am waitingforbtheirbresponse which won't be til tomorrow but was wandering what you ladies think? I'm about of a worrier and have now started to really style myself out - husband says I'm crazy lol