Saying "I'm sorry" and letting things go

I am not quick to get over things that upset me. I'll admit I sometimes dwell on minor things that aren't that big of a deal. But sometimes when my husband and I get into an argument or he does something shitty, I think it's justified. I feel like he says "I'm sorry" to make himself feel better. And it doesn't matter what he's done, it seems like there's a time limit on how long I can be upset. He thinks as soon as he says "I'm sorry", I should immediately be over it. He says I never apologize, but I say it when I really mean it.

I don't think anything positive will come out of stewing, but I don't feel like there's always a resolution. My husband also thinks words are just words, and they are nothing if there wasn't true meaning and belief in them. I think words matter. Like the analogy, you can't put toothpaste back into a tube. You can't unsay things you've already said. They're already out there, and saying I'm sorry, doesn't make them go away. real question. Just venting. Maybe being overly emotional. 😔