10 days left, help please!

Due in 10 days but no sign of contractions, is that really normal
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Posted at
I had nothing until the day of. 


Posted at
Yes it's normal. 10 days is a long time and a lot can hasten between now and then, or even after your due date. No worries..Your time will come :-)


Angelaure • Mar 21, 2016
Thank you A! Just can't wait to meet my princess


A • Mar 21, 2016


Posted at
I know the feeling. My husband and I started my labor by having sex about a week before my due date.. Lol I was so ready to get my son out of my massive belly! He was born a day after we did it.


Angelaure • Mar 21, 2016
Thank you guys :)


A • Mar 21, 2016
worked for me! the key I think is to let your hubby "finish" inside (not that it matters at this point) lol and leave it there. for instance, normally I use the restroom right after unless were ttc, but that time I waited. something about the semen softens the cervix.


Grace • Mar 21, 2016
I've heard this is one of the best ways to enduce!


Posted at
Just keep in mind your due date is a guess not an exact science. Baby might not be ready until later. But yes it's very normal not to have contractions until day, or even hours before, baby is born. 


Posted at
Yes. I went into labor on my due date and didn't have any contractions until my water broke, other than exactly one contraction the evening before.


Angelaure • Mar 21, 2016
Thank you for your info