Not gaining weight?

Hi, I'm 22 weeks today. (Maybe a little more, my due date keeps changing) Anyways, I have been at 145 lbs my entire pregnancy so far. I haven't gained anything, although I feel bigger and have a belly the scale isn't moving. Are any of you experiencing that as well? 
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Posted at
Yes I'm 22weeks and 3 weeks ago I weighed 143 which was my start weight. My doc told me to snack more and try to gain a couple of lbs by my next appt. Just left the doc and I've gained 3lbs and baby is a healthy 1lb. It's ok to not gain that much as long as ur baby's growing. I only gained 18lbs with my last so don't worry everyone is different. 


Posted at
Sort of. I lost 10 pounds in the first trimester and have slowly been putting it back on. I've now gained back 7 of the 10 pounds I lost. I'm almost 22 weeks. But my baby girl is completely healthy and weighs 14 ounces! 


Posted at
Not quite the same but I always gain 10# by 20 weeks and then I hit a wall. I've gained my 10 and I'm stuck there. Last pregnancy I only gained 5 more by delivery so a total of 15# all together. After delivery I actually was 5# lighter than pre-pregnancy weight. 


Posted at
Lost 17 early on. I started eating much healthier than I had been, drinking lots of water and walking daily. I've only gained 3lbs back from what I lost and I'm 22 weeks. 


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I'm a heavy girl so I thought going into my pregnancy I was going to gain weight like crazy, even my doctors were concerned. But here I am almost 26 weeks and not one pound gained. Lol as long as baby is growing and healthy, You are fine. Be glad you are one of the lucky ones! Some women gain up to 70 pounds in their pregnancy. I for one feel lucky. 


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I'm down 8 lbs at 21 weeks. Don't worry too much. As long as baby is growing and your doctor isn't telling you different, you're probably OK. :)


Posted at
I'm up 6 lbs now at 22 weeks. I was up 22 by this point with my son. Honestly my dr was fine with both weight gain situations. I lost 3 lbs at first and gained it back more in my belly. Maybe you're shifting weight instead of gaining. You look great!


Posted at
Only up 2 pounds :) As long as the Doctor is ok with your results and Ultrasounds it's ok, as everyone is different some gain more early some later and we all gain different amounts and our body type height etc vary as well and can have an impact. I am plus size so I am going to enjoy it while it lasts lol 


Pc • Mar 21, 2016
Oops forgot to mention that I am 22 weeks


Posted at
I am only up 3.5 lbs since getting pregnant and it's only happened in the past 4 weeks... I'm currently 25 weeks


Megan • Mar 21, 2016
I gained 85 lbs with my first


Posted at
My sister in law doesn't ever gain weight (4th kid) she is a bigger person though. But she doesn't gain. I gained 30 with my first two. And so far I've gained 10 and I'm over 21 weeks (which in ecstatic about)