Period or leftover from D&C

Hey ladies! My doctor wasn't super thorough when she explained what is normal after a miscarriage, so I thought I'd ask you. I had a d&c on February 12th at 11 weeks after we found out the baby had no heartbeat (stopped somewhere in the 9th week). I bled for a couple of weeks and continued to spot for a more days after that. About a week and a half later (4 weeks exactly after my procedure) I began to bleed heavily for 8 days and have had anything since. What I'm wanting to know is if there is a way to tell if those 8 days was my cycle starting or if it was a continuation from the d&c. We were given the green light to start trying again after my period returned but I'm not sure if that was it or not. Anyone have anything similar? Sorry for the long post.