Is there any lawyers or judges or anyone who knows about a parents rights here? I really need an opinion. I'm scared.

Ok. I have the worst taste in men. I planned my pregnancy for my beautiful baby girl who's almost 7 weeks old. My ex is a psychotic control freak. During my pregnancy I learned a lot about him. He dumped me 8 times in the 9 months I was pregnant. He said he hoped I miscarried, he wanted to pay for an abortion, he wanted to sign over his rights. He has a 14 year old who's always grounded, he never lets her leave the house, he used to be a career criminal so they didn't want to give him custody so he ran away with her. He isn't the type you say no to. He wants to share custody, he wants my baby who he never had an interest in before 7 days a week, during her nighttime routine. I don't want him to have her at all. I'm scared I'll never see her again, I'm scared she will get hurt, that she will be neglected. He only wants her for spiteful reasons. He accused me of cheating (which I didn't) and said she wasn't his. I got defensive but then was like "yes, I cheated, great. She isn't yours" then he said he was going to fight me for custody. Her dad is unknown on her birth certificate because he didn't want to pay child support because he was scamming the government and she has my last name. He has done nothing for her. She has everything she could possibly need or want. Thanks to me and my family. This baby is so well taken care of and so loved. What are my chances of keeping him away? What do I do? Someone please help. I need facts. I'm waiting for an appointment with my lawyer but the wait is killing me. I even caught him chewing on her ear one day in the weirdest way. He was sexually abused as a child and I wonder if he really knows proper etiquette with a baby. I am baby mama #4, the first he doesn't know anything about, the second he wants a relationship with but doesn't want to work at it, the third he has full time and she's his #1. He does have addiction problems and has been in and out of rehab, he smokes cigarettes and weed in his apartment with his teen there, he says in 2 years he will smoke her first joint with her. He wants my baby to help him grow, crop and sell weed. I don't do any drugs, don't drink or smoke. I don't even take any prescription pills aside from my prenatal vitamins. I breastfeed and if it was up to him this baby wouldn't even be allowed her vitamin d drops. I guess I could keep going. I need help. I've been at my moms because she went down south and was scared to know I was at my house alone while she was down south. Now he's threatening me because I haven't come home yet. My moms off and I'm staying with her. He and I live in The same building for now unfortunately