Finally pregnant. 3 years trying, low sperm motility.

Jaimie • EDD 12/4. Always looking for new mommy friends. Add me on fb:
DH and I have been TTC for 3 years, ultimately leading to a consultation with an infertility specialist in early January of this year. We found out that my husband had very low sperm motility (less than 1% of the good sperm were swimming straight). Doctor suggested he take an OTC supplement called Fertilaid, STOP drinking energy drinks and alcohol (of which my husband consumed more than the average amount of) and to switch from briefs to boxers. Well fast forward three months and those behavior changes gave us our first BFP! I suspected last week when I got a VVVFL on a cheapie pregnancy test. I have an inconsistent cycle so very hard to know exactly when AF is coming but I knew it was late. I kept taking the tests and the VVVFL (of which I got 3) went away. I convinced myself it was a chemical pregnancy. Until a few nights ago, AF's continued absence encouraged me to take another pregnancy test. It was a darker, although, faint line! I went to get it confirmed by a blood test and yep, I am pregnant! Lab results gave me the courage to take the rest of my expense FRER tests and they have the same opinion. I am over the moon relieved, happy and blessed. ❤️❤️❤️