❤️ Happy Easter! ❤️

Kassie • I'm Kass, me and my husband are expecting out firstborn son in May 2016. We love our little Nash Reagan Garcia 😘
 My heart has been heavy since yesterday, this year my perspective of so much has changed. Being given a gift from God, that I was not able to give myself. No matter what efforts I made.. Or how badly I wanted this baby.. At the end of the day my son is a gift that only God was capable of giving me and my husband.. I've carried him for eight long months, I have sang to him, prayed over him, and felt him move inside of me. Yesterday makes the day that Mary watched her baby boy die. She watched him suffer and be tortured for not only the world's sins, but her's. Today I could only imagine how hopeless and broken she felt, reliving in her head over and over what she saw only the day before. I can't imagine spending one second without my son, who I have carried for 33 weeks.. Mary experiencing her first day without her son that she has had for 33 years.. Tomorrow she doesn't know, but she will see her son raise again. Giving the world hope, and even more importantly to me, making salvation available to my baby boy.. Something I could never provide him with. Thank you God for your precious son. ❤️ The gift that He is to this world is more than I can comprehend. Way more than I deserve.. ❤️