Heart broken

My Husband told me he basically do not know what's gonna happen to our marriage an I can't sleep or eat I just keep crying because I love him have not cheated on him and I'm hurt what am I supposed to do. I can't sleep I need someone to talk to about this the only reason why I know is because I went to the hospital and the did a cervix swab and the sent me in the mail my test results now before leaving the hospital they told me I was fine and it was OK for me to go so if I had chylimdia why would they not try to treat me for it while I was there. Now my husband say it could not came from him or one of his partner before me because he say he got tested before me but y'all I have no proof I just need someone to talk to I could not have it for this long and did not know.. I'm so confused can you help please no negative comments thank you