Trying to conceive our rainbow baby! 🌈

I experienced a second trimester loss (my first pregnancy) and was induced on February 5th after finding out that there wasn't a heartbeat at the 21 week ultrasound. The root cause of the death was due to the cord being wrapped very tightly around the neck twice 😕. 
After much thought, my husband and I decided to try to conceive this cycle, but it is not to replace the baby we lost in any way as that would be impossible. As of now, I am currently in the dreaded two week wait and I'm hoping for a positive test in a few days.. Hopefully we were intimate enough during my fertile days lol. Fingers crossed! 
We both desperately want this, but I also fear of having another loss or not being able to conceive easily for whatever reason 😣. Anyone ever been in a similar situation and was able to have a healthy pregnancy after something like this?  ❤️👶🏻👪💕🌈