Today was supposed to be special 😔

Today I was supposed to be 15 weeks and 6 days. Today I was supposed to put on my jelly bean baby shirt, and walk in to my family's Easter party with my head held high to announce that we were expecting our first child. Today I was also supposed to post our announcement on social media. Today should've been so different. Instead I am shutting myself off in my house, 2.5 hours away from my family. I can't face them. I can't face the fact that today was supposed to be special. But instead two of my cousins get to enjoy their Easter by celebrating the undeserved miracles inside of them. One is pregnant with her 6th even though she doesn't have custody of the other 5. One is only 16. I am 23, married with a college degree and a career. I tried and prayed so hard for five long months before being blessed with our child. I thought everything was perfect. Instead I am walking around with an empty womb and a broken heart 💔